A good dictionary. Sometime the Flashcard icon appear near a word, sometime not.
A good dictionary. Sometime the Flashcard icon appear near a word, sometime not.
After upgrades to IOS5, the listen feature dosen t work any more.
This App is really helping me at my english classes! love it!
... works perfectly!
This is a massive move backwards in terms of functionality and features. Many valuable features that have made it much superior to other dictionaries on the market have now been removed from this app. On the iPad, horizontal mode is not supported any more - unless fixed very soon, this is a no go for dictionary apps on the iPad.
the dictionary is not comprehensive and vocabulary is limited.
This dictionary is the best dictionary to understand the base of the word.
I think its the best dictionary to increase the vocabulary.
No app skins available yet (just updated version 3.5.5 today). I purchase version 3.5.0 of this app a while ago when it was on sale. Not until this latest update 3.5.1 has come up, its GUI is nothing special and many improvements were expected, I welcome and admire 2 innovations implemented in this new update: the pinchable resizing & reflowing of display text, and the swipable word-lookup, When you swipe your finger tip over the screen from left to right, you can access the preceeding header word while you swipe in the opposite direction, you access the succeeding header word; just like you lookup a real, physical, printed volume. Both improvements are invaluable. However, there is still a down-side wish list. No inline hyperlinks at all available on the display text. If you want to lookup any word when you get stuck on the current display you either have to mark and copy it to the clipboard and then paste it onto the search space to look it up. The you have to press the "history" page to regain access to your previous lookup header. However, after doing this work-around, you will loose the ability to swipe back and forth the dictionary header words but only those words in your history which could be good or bad depending on what you want. Alternatively, avoid using of history page to do back-tracking the swipe feature wont be affected but you need to retype your previous header word again to continue which can be tiring. Hopefully, DioDict can come up with some good solution to this implementation problem soon. Another improvement should also be done, i.e., the dimond bullets used on the display is a bit over sized, In my opinion, either a smaller hollow dimond or circle would make the display much better looking. This can be done very easily in no time. Many cheers! .
Great app because Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary is a great dictionary for learning English. This dic explains different usages of words with lucid definitions and illustrative examples. I started using this dictionary ten years ago and I still use it for expanding my vocabulary. Now, with this app, not only I have this great dictionary with me whenever I go (even when I am not connected to the internet) but also there is no need to take a note of the important examples of a word since you can easily highlight them in the app. You can also listen to the example sentences aloud which is good for the time you are somehow tired of reading words for long hours. This app can extremely help anyone who wants to learn English
It is a very nice dictionary like previous version, but the terrible thing is copy paste option was removed and as I work with a separate professional flash card app. this Oxford version is useless for me and I switched to Webster.
I have found out there is not the word VICINITY in this dictionary, the word which is a famous and an useful word.
UI が素晴らしく Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary をフルに活用できる iiPhone APP 英英辞書です。単語の検索が容易で、サクサク動きます。検索した単語の解説、定義、イデオム、用例を、上欄に現れるインデックスをタップすることにより、簡単に開いて読めます。iPhone の画面が小さくても不自由しません。
見出し語のコピーが出来ません! I want to copy an entry word and the meaning of it simultaneously, like LONGMAN dictionary!
The sound file of the word"bass"is wrong. There might be some other mistakes, though Ive just started using this.
Contrary to the description above which says it is compatible with iPad, this software is not implemented with landscape mode for iPad. If you use iPad, I strongly recommend not to buy this App. In addition, I should notice that the landscape mode feature was originally supported in the previous version, so this update was surprising for me. It is natural to use iPad in landscape mode, so Im really willing to get updated version as soon as possible.
All my flash cards were gone due to the upgrade from 3 to 4 version. But Diotek never compensate at all. Even we cant use British pronunciation. Do not buy it.
I believe this is the Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary in a slightly different package from the "official" one. In fact, when I bought it in an earlier version, thats the name it used, and it was slightly cheaper than the other OALD, which, in the absence of any other information on their differences, led me to choose this one. That is a decision I now regret. Note that the base dictionary is a very good one, and I have few complaints about the software. Unfortunately, though, the pronunciations are all done through text-to-speech technology and are often wrong. I think the other app with the human voices is better. There is another thing that is arguably a problem, though one that it has in common with some other dictionary apps: there isnt any equivalent of browsing through the dictionary, the app showing you nothing until you launch a search.
セール価格450円で購入しました。購入した時のアプリ名はOxford Advanced Learners Dictionaryで、アメリカ発音もイギリス発音も聞けました。韓国には優秀なアプリがあるんだな~と感心していましたが、しばらく使わないうちにひどいことになっていて絶句。 例文どころか単語単位の読み上げ音声も合成音になりました。アプリ名もいつの間にかDioDict English Dictionary for Advanced Learnersに変わっていて、詐欺としか言いようがありません。どこに訴えたらいいんでしょうね。
Updated to version 4.0.6 and it does not start. Please fix!